Mobile Utopia: Pasts, Presents Futures
Recognising the global uncertainties of the Anthropocene, we invite reflections on utopia (and dystopia) that explore how societies shape, and have been shaped by, complex im|mobilities, from microbial to big data mobilities, from horse-drawn carriages to driverless cars, from migration to planetary jet streams.
This joint Cemore|T2M|Cosmobilities conference will bring together historians, researchers, artists, policy-makers, designers, and innovators to explore Mobile Utopia: Pasts, Presents, Futures. The Centre for Mobilities Research (CeMoRe) at Lancaster University, the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M) and the Cosmobilities Network have joined together to invite contributions across the spectrum of mobile utopian themes.
We invite proposals deploying utopia as a heuristic and creative methodology – rather than as a narrative closed system – which challenges our assumptions about what has been possible in the past and what will be possible and preferable in the future. We welcome reflections from any city, country or place, in relation to any theme, scale, or period in history. In addition, proposals may address any aspect of the history, and social, cultural, economic, technological, ecological and political aspects of the diverse dimensions of im|mobility. Proposals are encouraged to use a range of formats, academic, creative and otherwise, as outlined in the call for papers.
We welcome contributions from any academic perspective or discipline, as well as contributions by artists, professionals, policy makers and practitioners. Recent entrants to the research field and doctoral students are especially welcome, with reduced rates and travel bursaries available in some cases.
We look forward to welcoming you in Lancaster.
Important Dates 31 March 2017 : Deadline for the submission of abstracts and sessions 5 May 2017 : Notification of acceptance for abstracts and sessions 5 May 2017 : Submission of artworks and posters 26 May 2017 : Notification of acceptance for artworks and posters 1 September 2017 : Programme Deadline 1 October 2017 : Submission of full papers and posters 2-5 November 2017 : Conference
If you have any questions, please contact