RGS - IBG 2018: Critical Geographies of Care, Mobilities, and Migration
‘Currently there are almost 60 million health workers globally, but they are unevenly distributed across countries and regions.’ (WHO, 2014). This has pushed both care providers and recipients to engage in various forms of mobility and migration, whilst in turn further exacerbates global inequalities in the distribution of health. These mobilities also have profound effects for the individuals engaged with them, impacting on their socioeconomic capacities. Migration has increasingly became a way in which individuals seek to improve their own social mobility, whether by accessing healthcare, or gaining skills and qualifications to use as a ‘passport’ to overseas opportunities. Yet recently, as technological advancements have begun to facilitate certain elements of caring industries, the geographies and landscapes of healthcare are beginning to change. Furthermore, events such as Brexit, focused on the curtailing of mobilities, have already begun to negatively impact the ways the NHS can provide caring. The connections between care, mobilities, and migration are diverse, wide reaching, and vital to understand. This session calls for papers which critically engage with the themes of care, mobilities, and migration, and interrogate the inequalities inherent in healthcare systems. Papers may be based on international or local examples of mobility and migration. Themes can include (but are by no means limited to): · The migration of healthcare workers and patients · The migration of pharmaceuticals and other medical ‘things’ · ‘Therapeutic mobilities’ or the connections between mobility/migration and care (such as moving to different climates or more accessible landscapes) · The effects of digital, virtual, and technological advances in care on mobilities and migration · The connections between care and mobility (such as reliance of systems on migration) · The spatialities of health landscapes
Please send abstracts of up to 250 words to Maddy Thompson (m.c.thompson@ncl.ac.uk) by 5pm 2nd February 2018.
This session is sponsored by the Geographies of Health and Wellbeing Research Group (GHWRG)