Healthy Mobilities?
13th Cosmobilities Conference
Invitation and Call for Papers
The relations between mobilities and health have been considered to be a central feature of today’s global society (Gatrell, 2011). Too much movement has often been attributed to various illnesses including bodily disruptions such as seasickness and jet-lag as well as mental ill-health such as homesickness, phobias. However, travel is also seen as being ‘good for the soul’, part of quasi -spiritual quests to become more healthy in mind and body. Such human mobilities require healthy environments which are sustainable and resilient. Healthy mobilities need to be major goals for policies aiming at sustainable and liveable cities and environments. Following the success of the previous Cosmobilities Conference on Sharing Mobilities, we would like this 13th Cosmobilities Conference to focus on the plethora of healthy and unhealthy aspects and relations of mobilities. Hence, we would encourage interested researchers to submit abstracts for consideration by 30th April 2018 on the following themes:
Healthy environments, sustainability and resilience
Mental health and mobility disruptions
Hospitality and wellness tourism and travel
Healthy/unhealthy food mobilities
Lifestyle mobilities and the care of the self
Health practices of walking, running, swimming
Mobile embodiment of sickness and phobias
Mobile social work practices
Health relations with non-human mobilities
Medicalisation and mobilities of health care
‘Smart’ health technologies and mobilities
Mobilities and care in later life
Disease and immobilities
Human trafficking and health
Human health machine assemblage
Waste mobilities
Positive aging and mobilities
Health, mobilities and urban planning
Venue: Guangzhou is the third largest metropolitan city in China and is easily accessible globally. Sun Yat-sen University is one of the leading research universities in China.
Activities: A one day field trip will be arranged during the conference to experience varies mobilities in and around Guangzhou.