On October 2, 2018, the Mobile Lives Forum first presented the findings of its study, entitled "Decarbonized mobilities: a poorly initiated transition," with Arnaud Passalacqua who provided some historical context on the different ways in which France tried to ensure the sustainability of its transport system during the 20th century.
Here is the research project’s page.
Arnaud Passalacqua , lecturer at the University Paris Diderot and director of the Master’s program in Energy, Ecology & Society.
Christophe Gay and Sylvie Landriève , directors of the Mobile Lives Forum.
Introduction by Sylvie Landriève, Conference 02/10/2018 from Forum Vies Mobiles on Vimeo.
Sustainable mobilities in urban areas : public policy issues and practices, by Arnaud Passalacqua - conference 02/10/18 from Forum Vies Mobiles on Vimeo.
Sustainable mobilities: a poorly initiated transition?, by Christophe Gay - Conférence 02/10/2018 from Forum Vies Mobiles on Vimeo.
Questions & answers - conference 02/10/2018 from Forum Vies Mobiles on Vimeo.
To cite this publication :
Mobile Lives Forum (12 November 2018), « Sustainable mobilities: a poorly initiated transition? », Préparer la transition mobilitaire. Consulté le 09 January 2025, URL: https://forumviesmobiles.org./en/forum-meetings/12716/sustainable-mobilities-poorly-initiated-transition
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