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The Mobile Lives Forum is committed to developing concrete and actionable proposals that it presents to decision-makers and the broader public debate. These proposals address three major challenges, shaped by citizen input and grounded in research:

  • Enabling people to live properly without relying on cars or planes
  • Enabling people to live in close proximity across all living environments
  • Enabling people to regain control over their pace of life

On this page, you will find all of our proposals as they are published.

The Alternative to Cars System (ACS) ( for each proposition, scroll down to see the context)

Since the late 19th century, our lifestyles have been fundamentally transformed by the revolution in speed made possible by fossil fuels. This shift gave rise to increasingly faster modes of transportation—trains, planes, and most significantly, cars in our daily lives.

Contrary to the promise of saving time, speed has allowed activities to spread across greater distances, making cars indispensable throughout the country. Today, the transport sector accounts for 32% of greenhouse gas emissions in France, with automobiles responsible for half of this impact. Beyond environmental concerns, the dominance of cars has also contributed to sedentary lifestyles, urban congestion, and the monopolization of public spaces.

Another way is possible. In 2025, the Mobile Lives Forum will unveil its Alternative to Cars System.

The employment transfer window

While work-related mobility accounts for 40% of travel time, and commuting remains one of the leading sources of dissatisfaction among French people, what if employees could swap positions to be closer to their workplace? In 2025, the Mobile Lives Forum will unveil its proposal to allow employees to swap positions, thereby significantly reducing these imposed trips.

The spatiotemporal policy of telework

The Covid-19 pandemic brought about a profound transformation in the organization of work: the proportion of French employees teleworking rose from 3% to over one-third. To avoid unregulated telework practices leading to overcrowded public transport on peak days, abrupt disruptions to the residential economy, the desertion of business districts, and growing territorial inequalities, the Mobile Lives Forum advocates for a collective approach. By engaging employees, companies, and local communities, telework can be organized as a tool for territorial planning and for better managing life rhythms.

The proximity pack

The rise of carbon-based mobility, particularly individual car use, has profoundly reshaped how our territory is organized, spreading activities across greater distances. Reducing the daily distances traveled using carbon-intensive modes is an urgent climate priority, as transport accounts for 32% of France's greenhouse gas emissions. It is also a democratic imperative, as the majority of French people aspire to slower lifestyles and shorter daily commutes.

Is a return to proximity-based living possible? The Mobile Lives Forum will unveil its Proximity Pack in 2026.


For the Mobile Lives Forum, mobility is understood as the process of how individuals travel across distances in order to deploy through time and space the activities that make up their lifestyles. These travel practices are embedded in socio-technical systems, produced by transport and communication industries and techniques, and by normative discourses on these practices, with considerable social, environmental and spatial impacts.

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The remote performance of a salaried activity outside of the company’s premises, at home or in a third place during normal working hours and requiring access to telecommunication tools.

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