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Le Forum Vies Mobiles est régulièrement invité à intervenir auprès des élus nationaux et locaux, des collectivités, des entreprises, des associations, des médias. Il présente sa vision de la mobilité, ses résultats de recherche sur différentes thématiques et défend ses propositions politiques.



“Let's listen to what the citizens want to transform our territories”


26 September 2022

Many French people want to be able to live outside of big cities while having access to the most ecological modes of travel possible. An unprecedented coalition of environmental organizations and associations defending users (motorists, cyclists, pedestrians...), families, people with reduced mobility and individuals in precarious situations, are calling for these aspirations to be taken into account in order to think about a new way of organizing the territory.



Is rationing carbon for travel a fair, efficient and realistic solution?

Christophe Gay, Claire-Marine Javary, Sylvie Landriève

09 November 2021

In the wake of the pandemic, the carbon tax at Europe’s borders is now on the agenda, but the domestic version, aimed at individual travel, is also likely to enter the presidential debate. Experts and economists will not give it up. CO2 emissions from transport keep increasing and no one can see how they can be curbed. But can we discuss the carbon tax again after the Yellow Jacket protests in France that it previously provoked and at a time when energy prices are rising spectacularly, putting…



Reduce carbon-emitting travel: a factor of social cohesion and ecological necessity

Mobile Lives Forum

19 October 2021

As part of the Mission on the future of the economic model of public transport, commissioned by the Minister of Transport and led by Philippe Duron in 2021, the Mobile Lives Forum presented its analysis of the current mobility system and its three-pronged approach to effectively make transport in France carbon-free: integrating mobility into a global system, developing efficient intermodality, and keeping journeys closer to home.



Mobilities: the French government has to back up its environmental ambitions with the means to achieve them

Mobile Lives Forum, Anne Fuzier, Christophe Gay, Sylvie Landriève

12 January 2021

In the field of transport, the ecological transition is inadequate to meet the challenge set by the targets. An ambitious planning policy must cover all areas related to our travels: work, health, education and land management.



Travelling less to travel better!

Mobile Lives Forum

02 November 2020

Before the Covid crisis, the more we travelled, the better: mobility was not only supposed to enable daily activities, but also to facilitate access to employment and even success in life. The lockdown undermined this unbridled mobility and now, we’re at a tipping point: after experiencing forced immobility, will we go back to the highly mobile lifestyles we had before the crisis? Can we still say that we have to “move to succeed”?



French 2020 municipal elections: why the pedestrianization of city centers isn’t enough

Mobile Lives Forum

06 July 2020

As Green parties recorded historic results in the second round of the French municipal elections in June, walking will be an important topic in the coming months for many French communities whose newly elected officials campaigned on this issue. In this context, the Mobile Lives Forum warns us against seeing the pedestrianization of city centers as the only or even correct way of promoting walking as a mode of travel in its own right. We have to think of largescale, uninterrupted pedestrian…



The lockdown is revealing the limits of our lifestyles, pace of life and environments

Mobile Lives Forum

14 May 2020

While contemporary lifestyles are structured around the ability to travel often, quickly and far, the lockdown has introduced an unprecedented constraint that has temporarily interrupted the usual spatial and temporal deployment of our activities. While digital tools are serving an important role in making these measures bearable, they can’t compensate for this limitation of travel on their own. All dimensions of our lives have been disrupted: home life, social life, consumption, work, family…



Covid-19: “The crisis allows us to radically reinvent our mobilities”  

Mobile Lives Forum

22 April 2020

Due to Covid-19, mobility has come to a standstill almost everywhere in the world. This historic moment presents an opportunity to collectively reconsider how we move around: how do we want to travel in the future? How can we adapt our mobility system to face the social and environmental challenges ahead? For the Mobile Lives Forum, one thing is certain: we shouldn’t just “go back to normal.”



20 proposals addressed to the participants of the Citizens' Convention on Climate

Mobile Lives Forum

10 February 2020

The Citizens’ Convention for Climate is a French assembly consisting of 150 randomly selected citizens whose mission it is to formulate proposals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 % by 2030 in a spirit of social justice. The Steering and Strategic Foresight Committee of the Mobile Lives Forum sent members of the "Transport" group 20 proposals based on research projects that tackle the challenge of reducing travel-related emissions.



Let’s plan for the final days of cars

Agathe Lefoulon, Sylvie Landriève, Christophe Gay

18 September 2019

In France, cars represent almost 40 million driver’s licenses, and 80% of driven kilometers. They’re extremely popular, despite the many negative impacts on our lives that are sometimes dramatic and often irreversible. Illustrations © Les Infotographies



The self-driving car, a niche market or a true revolution?

Christophe Gay, Sylvie Landriève

02 October 2018

The car is at the center of our mobility system. It has shaped cities and territories, imposing its infrastructures, norms, and speed. By monopolizing public spaces (roads, parking spaces, parking lots…), it has relegated other forms of transportation (walking, bicycling…) and practices (playing games, strolling…) to a small portion of the road. However, today, its negative effects are unanimously denounced (air pollution, emission of greenhouse gasses, accidents, traffic, noise ...), first and…
